Roleplaying Canvas

Whether your party meets in the tavern down the road or across several planes of existence, settling for a frustrating online roleplaying experience should never be an option. That’s precisely why Tabyltop was designed, built, and tested by a team that put the enjoyment of the game first. That’s why our team has worked hard to design, build, and test Tabyltop. Our main goal? To make sure the focus stays on the fun and excitement of the game.

A screenshot of the Tabyltop interface showing combat and initiative order

Our virtual tabletop offers a rich, immersive environment that brings your stories to life. With easy-to-use controls, customizable settings, and a wide range of assets, you can create a unique gaming experience. It doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned gamer or new to RPGs, our platform is for everyone. This ensures everyone can enjoy the thrill of role-playing.

Tabyltop's Goals

We have been very careful about our feature set. Our goals have been:

The Tabyltop team has been deliberate in what we decided to pursue. We know that there are things that Roll20, Foundry, and Owlbear Rodeo will do better than us, but we also know a thing or two about learning curves.

We made a ranked list of all of the things a VTT should (or could) do, and we drew a line. Tabyltop doesn't have things like interactive lighting, or line of sight. That requires setup, and it clutters the interface with additional tools that many GMs don't use.

Our UX Designer also won't shut up about The Paradox of Choice, which suggests that more choices don't make better products. He might be right (this one time).

Tabyltop is the result of these decisions, the Goldilocks of virtual tabletops.

What makes Tabyltop Special?